Guess today's One Piece character
You already won today, come back tomorrow !
18 persons currently guessed the today's character
Name | Status | First apparition | Origin | Age | Devil fruit type | Bounty | Occupation |
Guess today's One Piece character
You already won today, come back tomorrow !
18 persons currently guessed the today's character
Name | Status | First apparition | Origin | Age | Devil fruit type | Bounty | Occupation |
Onedle is an online game inspired by Wordle and Loldle, the goal is to find today's character by entering the name of other One Piece character, it will highlight its similarities with today's character to help you find it.
The color of the cell indicates if the character have the exact same properties as today's character.
A green cell means that the two characters have the same "type" (Both only pirates for example).
An orange cell means that the two characters share some common properties. For example one is a pirate captain and the other one is only a pirate.
A red cell means that the two characters have no properties in common. For example one is a Pirate and the other a Cipher Pol agent.
For the bounty, age and first apparition properties an arrow indicates if the todays character value is higher or lower. For example 47↑ means that today's character is older than 47.
All the data has been gathered from the One Piece fandom using some code from FandomScraper
Onedle has two versions, one with information from the anime and another with up-to-date information from the manga. If you choose the manga version, make sure you're up to date, as you could get spoiled about the bounty, demon fruit etc. of certain characters.
Onedle is currently developed exclusively for manga readers. Make sure you're up to date to avoid spoilers regarding bounties, demon fruits, etc., of certain characters. An anime version is under development—stay tuned!